Level Blocking

Level Blocking

Level blocking is the subject of this weeks devlog. With the addition of some more complex level design and the addition of pickups, the player can now get a good feel for some of the complexity of the game.  With this weeks update there have been a host of bug fixes and a few new additions.

Level Design

The main goal for this week was to introduce some more level design coupled with the addition of some pickups that can apply an effect to the player, be it a positive one or a negative one. While the actual components of a level are relatively simple, the layout is what gives each level it's complexity. Terrain can be formed in to shapes that will offer a challenge to the player in a way that will force them to consider the best approach in order to pass it, as shown below.

Terrain complexity example.

Effector Pickup System

In addition the level blocking, the second most important part of level design in MotoMadness is the way the player can be effected by pickups. The current pickups are:

  • Heart:  Gives +1 life if lives are below 3.
  • Key: Must be collected in order to complete the level.
  • Green Potion: Will invert gravity for 15 seconds.
  • End Game Sauce: Ends the game of all keys are collected. (Sprite currently WIP)

Currently there is an additional effector on the heart pickup that will slow time by half, this will move to it's own object in time. 

Key pickup.

Green potion pickup.

Effect of the green potion on the player.

Heart Pickup.

Additional Features

New features this week are mostly from suggestions posted in the previous devlog. A health system has been implemented to introduce a form of risk. The health system gives the player 3 hearts at the top left of the screen, the player will lose a heart if the players head touches the ground. If the players head touches the ground constantly they will lose 1 heart every 2 second. Having the player lose health slowly and not die instantly allows the player the user their head to navigate parts of a level (Perhaps literally!).

If the player loses all lives the game will pause and the "Game over" screen will display along with the option to restart the level. If they player collects all keys in the level and makes it to the "End Game Sauce" they will complete the level, the "Level Complete" text will display along with the ability to restart the level if they chose. (a return to menu option will be implemented).

Feature requests:

  • Restart button. "I want a restart button"  - IMPLEMENTED
  • Implement some mild form of risk. "I want to be able to die"  - IMPLEMENTED

Feature requests to be implemented:

  • Additional challenges. "Really need a sweet end-point and timer, so I have that challenge to beat"

The Three Hearts

Game Over screen (the typo is fixed)

Level Complete Screen


MotoMadnessV5.zip 6.2 MB
Sep 16, 2021

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